How to deal with burnout as a youth work practitioner

Youth work practitioners play an instrumental role in helping youths cope and overcome their challenges. But how do practitioners take care of themselves so they may extend the same high-quality care to others? Two social service professionals share their perspectives. — On any given day, social work practitioners may see themselves supporting clients with emotionally-demanding issues such as trauma or … Read More

Feeling Down? It’s #OK2Talk

Understanding mental well-being can be a daunting task—especially for youths. So we spoke to two social service professionals about the importance of taking care of one’s mental wellness, and how youths can address their issues. — When symptoms of the flu—sore throat, cough and a runny nose—arise, most of us know how to thwart the virus. We drink warm water, … Read More

7 Tips on Transitioning to the ‘New Normal’ #YouGotThis!

As recommended by our volunteer Clarissa Lim As the Circuit Breaker period comes to an end, we are still expected to take precautionary measures to protect ourselves and our loved ones. If you are like me, who struggled to stay indoors during the circuit breaker period, you might still feel unsure of how to get used to the ‘new normal’. … Read More

Trybe Staff: Winning Work From Home Arrangements

It has been weeks since a lot of us has started working from home (WFH). While some are loving it, some are still trying to cope with cabin fever*. While cabin fever is not an official term for a mental condition, the symptoms and emotions caused by it are real. But what is WFH really like for some of the … Read More